Attention Worksheets

Attention Worksheets

Mental rotation task for symbols (12 sheets)

Mental rotation task for symbols
Attention Worksheets

Rock-Paper-Scissors Task1 Win Lose (20sheets)

Rock-Paper-Scissors Task1 Win Lose
Attention Worksheets

The task to write the inequality 5×5 (20 sheets)

The task to write the inequality 5×5
Attention Worksheets

PASAT TASK 2 seconds (20 sheets)

Attention Worksheets

Digit Cancellation Task

Digit Cancellation Task Target 1 10×10 (20 sheets) Digit Cancellation Task Target 2 10×10 (20 sheets) Digit Cancellation...
Attention Worksheets

Line Crossing Task 30 (10 sheets)

Line Crossing Task 30
Attention Worksheets

The task to write the inequality 10×10 (20 sheets)

The task to write the inequality 10×10
Attention Worksheets

Line Crossing Task

Line Crossing Task 10 (10 sheets) Line Crossing Task 20 (10 sheets) Line Crossing Task 30(10 sheets) Line Crossing Task ...
Attention Worksheets

Symbol Digit Modalities Task 4 (10 sheets)

Symbol Digit Modality Task 4
Attention Worksheets

The task of adding adjacent numbers 7 (15sheets)

The task of adding adjacent numbers 7
Attention Worksheets

Number cancellation dual task 5×5 (20 sheets)

Number cancellation dual task 5×5
Attention Worksheets

Dot to dot of the alphabet A-O (10 sheets)

Dot to dot of the alphabet A-O